Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Education Teaching Essays

Educational Goals and Philosophy Webster defines philosophy as a critical study of fundamental beliefs and the grounds for them. There are major aspects of philosophy that people use in everyday life: metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, and epistemology. One of the my personal views of philosophy is the nature of students. I believe that everyone can learn, just at different levels. Physical Education will be the field that I will be concentrating on. I've always enjoyed learning how to play different sports when I was in grade school and my dream was to be able to teach kids how to play these sports that I was once taught how to play. I know that mostly all kids favorite subject is Physical Education so it will be easier to teach a class to kids that want to be there and want to cooperate as well. In that sense, I will try to relate to students in a way that they can enjoy Physical Education just as much as I want to teach it to them. My classroom will basically be in the gymnasium. It will be run in the same matter, as I was once taught. I'll let the students socialize for a few moments before class starts. Once the bell rings I will have them stand in single file lines. After this is successfully completed I will lead the class in stretching exercises to avoid injury such as arm and leg stretches as well as jumping jacks and sit-ups. This is a good way to organize the class as well as motivating them for the rest of the period as well. After this is done, I will have the whole class sit down while I explain the unit of the sport they are going to learn. I will have separate units lasting a week. After each unit, the class will take a short quiz on the sports they had just performed. Discipline is something that falls with involvement. If the students want to be in my class then they need to have good organization as well as motivation. Everything falls into the category of Discipline. That's why I love this field. I can handle any obstacle that may come my way, and I know that kids love Physical Education more then anything else.

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