Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Analysis Of Hawthorne s The Man s Fall - 1438 Words

Hawthorne has a unique perspective while also focusing on the religious, historical, and psychological perspectives of his time. The information from various experts to prove the Puritanical, Calvinistic, and ancient beliefs that form the basis of Hawthorne’s work (Hawthorne 392). Besides, the researcher notes that Hawthorne’s life is authentic although fictional. There is a psychological aspect of the story in that the man’s fall is unavoidable. The narration contains metaphoric and literal journey of the newlywed male character. However, he is making the treacherous journey with the devil himself therefore creating a spiritual crisis. Goodman Brown’s decision is ambiguous to his audience because it is a revelation of his new life and†¦show more content†¦Throughout the story, Goodman Brown is exploring human’s instinctive commitment of sin and thus, makes his downfall inevitable. Critics argue that the people should not read the 17th Cent ury psychologically hurting Calvinistic persuasion as a faith rejection but as a warning from God to his people on moral hazards and its dynamics. Using the setting, Hawthorne introduces his audience to a symbolic interference. He successfully recreates the Salem witch trials that the Puritans remember the most. There are multiple references and evidence of this time in the historical allusions across the country. He describes Goodman Brown as a descendant of King Philip’s War, this is setting the tone for the Salem witch trial. The war took place between the year 1675 and 1678, but the man’s son would have married by 1692. However, the author sets the story a few years before the 1690s. Hawthorne employs historical information in explaining Salem’s madness as well as highlighting the challenges that the community faces. A time such as this is critical since it highlights the Salem’s Village and the peak of strict moral code and religious oppression. The turn of events accelerated the spiraling allegations about witchcraft on innocent residents. Nobody questioned the belief in witchcraft during this era because all people accepted that wicked people must perform sorcery for particular unexplainable events toShow MoreRelatedThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1184 Words   |  5 PagesScarlet Letter Cue Card Title: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Date the Book was Published: 1850 Plot: A young woman named Hester Prynne is found of adultery. She had an illegitimate child and now has to wear the letter A on her chest to represent adulterer. She has been sentences to three hours of scolded punishment and a lifetime of being branded. Reverend Wilson and reverend Dimmesdale question Hester about the child s father. She refuses to give up the name. 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